1) I ____ to the store yesterday. a) went b) go c) goed 2) She ____ to the party last night. a) come b) came c) comed 3) They ___ a beautiful rainbow after the rain. a) seed b) see c) saw 4) We ___ dinner at a nice restaurant. a) eat b) ate c) eaten 5) He ____ the book from the shelf. a) take b) taked c) took 6) She ____ a delicious cake for the birthday. a) made b) make c) maked 7) They ____ him a nice present yesterday. a) give b) gave c) gived 8) I ____ the answer to the question a) known b) know c) knew 9) She _______ about the problem for a long time. a) thought b) think c) thinked 10) She _____ a letter to her grandmother. a) writed b) write c) wrote

Choose the correct past simple verb option.

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