父亲节那天,我和姐姐送给爸爸一份精美的礼物。 - On Father's Day, my sister and I gave my dad a beautiful gift., 请你为我保守秘密,不要告诉别人。 - Please keep my secret and don't tell others., 忽然飞来一只乌鸦,把掉在地上的面包叼走了。 - Suddenly a crow flew up and took away the bread that fell on the ground., 妈妈提醒我过马路要注意来往的车辆。 - My mother reminded me to pay attention to the passing vehicles when crossing the road., 一位见义勇为的叔叔救了那个小男孩。 - A brave uncle saved the little boy., 他说的都是骗话,你不要相信他。 - Everything he says is lies, don't believe him., 我很喜欢汽车模型。 - I love car models., 妈妈舍不得让哥哥出国读书。 - My mother was reluctant to let my brother study abroad., 清洁工人正在清理校园的落叶。 - Cleaning workers are clearing fallen leaves on campus., 我家附近有超市,买东西很方便。 - There is a supermarket near my home, so shopping is very convenient., 现在弟弟要去补习了,妈妈带他去坐地铁。 - Now my younger brother is going to tutoring, and my mother takes him to take the subway., 人与人之间应该互相尊重,以礼相待。 - People should respect each other and treat each other with courtesy., 我们应该帮助有需要的人,让他们感受到人间的温暖。 - We should help people in need and let them feel the warmth of the world., 这场篮球赛非常精彩,观众都拍手叫好! - This basketball game was very exciting and the audience applauded!, 明华乐于助人的行为获得了校长的表扬。 - Minghua's helpful behavior was praised by the principal., 我们从小就应该多读书,养成良好的阅读习惯。 - We should read more and develop good reading habits from an early age., 由于现在是午休时间,所以食堂里都是学生。 - Since it is lunch break now, the cafeteria is full of students., 我们应该随时预防火灾的发生。 - We should always prevent the occurrence of fire., 我戴上了新买的手表去上学。 - I put on my newly bought watch and went to school., 欢欢闷闷不乐的样子,你知道发生了什么事吗? - Huanhuan looks glum, do you know what happened?, 在这次的比赛,四年三班发挥了团队精神。 - In this competition, classes three of four years showed their team spirit.,


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