1) what are the fat souilble vitmains a) A,D,RF b) A,D,E,K c) ABCD d) A,D.E,K 2) what is a blended family a) a belnded family is a family blended b) a family made up of 2 parents and their children from previous relationships c) a divorce d) a family 3) what is one cause of water pollution a) decreased ozone layer b) burning of fossil fuels e.g. burning home heating oil c) chemical waste from factories and other industries e.g. oil spills d) climate change e.g. gobal warming 4) name a common machine stich a) zig-zags b) embrodiery c) straight  d) slight zig-zag e) buttonhole 5) name a use of a common use for the common machine stiches a) sewing seams and hems on non-strech fabrics e.g. ployester cotton b) sweing seams and hems on strech fabrics e.g. jeresy c) finishing the raw edges on seams to stop fraying d) decorating fabric e) making buttonholes on garmets or household items e.g. cushions 6) what is this symol a) corrosive b) toxic c) irriant d) highly fammable 7) what are the factors to consider when meal planning a) shopping b) menu c) food pryamid and helathy eating guidelines, dietary requirements, occasion, resources, availblity of foods and people d) people shopping menu and dogs 8) what are 2 guidelines to keep the digestive system healthy a) digestives b) consume fibre-rich foods c) the large intestine d) protect teeth 9) what are 2 methods of cooking fish  a) baking e.g. baked cod b) process c) frying e.g. fried hake d) kippers 10) what is one example of tooth decay/gum diesase a) plaqe also attacks the gums causing infection and gingivitis (gum disease) b) wearing hat and sunglasses c) eating healthy food d) having a shower 11) what is cyperbullying a) when you get stressed b) cyberbullying is when the internet is used to carry out bullying a example of cyberbullying is sending absive messages c) sending nice messages d) being mean to them by posing in peoples pictures 12) what are 3 healthy eating guidelines a) deat plenty of differnt cloured fresh fruit and vegtables b) choose low fat products when possible e.g. low-fat milk cheese and yougurt c) eat food d) choose healthy cooking methods where possible e.g. baking or steaming instead of frying e) count carlies 13) what are the 4 elements of protein a) carbon (C),helium,potassium and protein  b) kind bars c) carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N) d) carbon (C), oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N) 14) what are sources of HBV protein a) meat,peas and beans b) meat,cerals and yougurt c) lean meats,mycroprotein and sugar d) meat,fish,eggs and cheese 15) what are 2 functions of protein a) protein is needed for the growth and reapir of all body cells b) adults need 50g protein c) it produces heat and energy d) poor general health

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