isotope - atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons, relative atomic mass - average mass of all isotopes of an element, atomic number - number of protons for an atom, Group - column of elements with same number of electrons in outer shell, Period - row on periodic table representing number of shells ( energy levels), Group 1 - 1 valence electron, forms +1 ions, Group 2 - 2 valence electrons forms +2 ions , Group 13 - 3 valence electrons forms +3 ions , Group 17 - 7 valence electrons form -1 ions, Group 16 - 6 valence electrons form -2 ions , Group 15 - 5 valence electrons form -3 ions, metals lose electrons - metals form positive ions , non metals gain electrons - non metals form negative ions ,

Elements forming Ions

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