WEB DEVELOPER: This professional creates and maintains websites. They work with programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to develop interactive and functional web pages., SYSTEMS ANALYST:This person is responsible for analyzing and designing information systems to solve business problems. They assess user needs and propose technological solutions., DATA SCIENTIST:RATOR: Utilizes scientific methods, processes, and algorithms to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data. They work with large volumes of data to predict trends and behaviors, USER EXPERIENCE DESIGNER: Focuses on improving user satisfaction by enhancing the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction with a product., IT TECHNICIAN:Provides technical support and resolves issues related to hardware and software. They set up, maintain, and repair computer systems., COMPUTER PROGRAMMER: Writes and tests code that enables software programs and applications to function correctly. They use various programming languages., NETWORK ENGINEER: Designs, implements, and manages computer networks, ensuring the network infrastructure is efficient and secure., QUALITY CONTROL:Evaluates software and systems to ensure they function correctly and meet quality standards. They identify and report errors or defects.,


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