1) Adidas and Puma are a) two past brands b) two sports companies in the world c) two sports companies in Germany 2) The Dassler brothers' story is a) a family feud b) a story of good relationships c) a conflict that ended with a deal 3) Adolf Dassler was a) the youngest b) the oldest c) a twin 4) Rudolf Dassler was born in... a) 1980 b) 1800 c) 1898 5) Adidas was created .... a) before Puma b) After Puma c) in the same period of Puma 6) ADIDAS comes from.. a) An ancient God b) The first name and surname of its creator c) A place in Germany 7) PUMA comes from... a) The first name and surname of its creator b) The animal c) A place in the USA 8) ADIDAS - YEAR a) 1890 b) 1920 c) 1924 9) PUMA - YEAR a) 1890 b) 1932 c) 1948 10) ADOLF - YEAR OF DEATH a) 2000 b) 1949 c) 1978 11) RUDOLF- YEAR OF DEATH a) 1968 b) 1949 c) 1974 12) Famous slogan of ADIDAS a) Impossible is everything b) Possible in everything c) Impossible in nothing 13) Famous slogan of PUMA a) Forever young b) Never alone c) Forever faster 14) Storytelling - ADIDAS a) It plays with goods and money b) It plays with the speed c) It plays with the emotions 15) Storytelling - PUMA a) It is based on the simplicity b) It is based on the excellence c) It is based on the emotions 16) ADIDAS - LOGO  a) Three montains b) Trefoil c) Three states 17) ADIDAS - LOGO a) Three leaves for three continents b) Three leaves for three lakes c) Three leaves for three products 18) PUMA - LOGO a) A static puma which represents wildness b) A leaping puma which represents agility c) A big puma which represents happiness

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