Verdadero: Brian Greene believes gravity might not be quantized the same way as electromagnetism., The cosmological constant is sometimes considered to be a constant that might change over time., Neil deGrasse Tyson describes the age discrepancy of the universe in the past by a factor of two., Allowing the cosmological constant to vary might resolve the Hubble tension., Neil deGrasse Tyson works at the Hayden Planetarium of the American Museum of Natural History., The goal of the World Science Festival is to connect science to culture and everything that matters., Cutting the threads of quantum entanglement makes space fall apart mathematically., One proposed model for the structure of space is a quantum net woven by wormholes., Brian Greene is a professor of Physics and Mathematics at Columbia University., Brian Greene's most recent book mentioned in the conversation is titled "Until the End of Time.", Brian Greene has been organizing the World Science Festival since 2008., Neil deGrasse Tyson describes New York as "the world" in the context of the World Science Festival., Brian Greene uses dance and music to bring science to the arts., Neil deGrasse Tyson describes their conversations on physics as insightful., Quarks are usually found in pairs., The gluonic force holds quark pairs together., Pulling apart quark pairs results in the creation of more quarks., Brian Greene suggests that the singularity of a black hole is still not fully understood., One idea about black holes is that they might be fuzzy collections of matter., String theory depends on the concept of ten dimensions., The higher-dimensional universe referred to by Brian Greene is called the Brain Universe., A potential feature of the higher-dimensional universe is parallel membranes., When gravitational force leaks into another membrane, it drops off faster., According to a hypothesis, dark matter might be ordinary matter in a parallel universe., Einstein added an integration constant to his equations to account for the cosmological constant., Falso: Brian Greene believes electromagnetism might not be quantized the same way as gravity., The cosmological constant is considered to be a variable dependent on gravitational pull., Neil deGrasse Tyson describes the age discrepancy of the universe in the past by a factor of five., Fixing the cosmological constant might resolve the Hubble tension., Neil deGrasse Tyson works at NASA., The goal of the World Science Festival is to teach physics exclusively., Strong nuclear forces make space fall apart mathematically., One proposed model for the structure of space is a fluid substance., Brian Greene is a professor of Chemistry at Columbia University., Brian Greene's most recent book mentioned in the conversation is titled "Hidden Reality.", Brian Greene has been organizing the New York Science Festival since 2008., Neil deGrasse Tyson describes New York as the best city in the context of the World Science Festival., Brian Greene uses literature to bring science to the arts., Neil deGrasse Tyson describes their conversations on physics as simplistic., Quarks are usually found in quadruple quark., Electromagnetic force holds quark pairs together., Pulling apart quark pairs results in quark annihilation., Brian Greene suggests that the singularity of a black hole is well understood., One idea about black holes is that they are solid objects., String theory depends on the concept of two dimensions., The higher-dimensional universe referred to by Brian Greene is called the Gravitational Plane., A potential feature of the higher-dimensional universe is no dimensions., When gravitational force leaks into another membrane, it becomes stronger., According to a hypothesis, dark matter might be pure energy., Einstein added a time factor to his equations to account for the cosmological constant., The conversations suggest that our understanding of the universe is complete., In the quantum model of the universe, entanglement is essential to separate regions of space., String theory works with no dimensions., tring theory proposes two extra dimensions beyond our familiar three dimensions of space and one of time., Neil deGrasse Tyson views the intellectual achievements of humanity as insignificant.,

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