1) Would you rather win the lottery but lose all your friends, or lose all your money but find your true love? 2) Would you rather have a high-paying job you hate or a low-paying job you love? 3) Would you rather inherit a fortune from a stranger or earn a modest living through hard work? 4) Would you rather always get everything on sale or never have to pay taxes again? 5) Would you rather have financial stability with no luxury items or have luxury items but financial uncertainty? 6) Would you rather lose all your money and valuables or all the pictures you have ever taken? 7) Would you rather have a job that pays well but offers no time for vacation, or a job that pays poorly but gives you a lot of vacation time? 8) Would you rather have a large house and an old car or a small house and a dream car? 9) Would you rather be debt-free living a simple life or wealthy with a lot of debt? 10) Would you rather have a guaranteed $100,000 or a 50/50 chance at $1,000,000? 11) Would you rather have a well-paying job that benefits only you or a lower-paying job that benefits many others? 12) Would you rather find true love or find a suitcase with five million dollars? 13) Would you rather live without the internet or live without AC and heating but have an extra $500 a month? 14) Would you rather win a lifetime supply of free food or free gasoline? 15) Would you rather have a very successful career but a short life or a mediocre career but a long life? 16) Would you rather be able to buy anything you want but have to return it after one day or only be able to buy things you really need? 17) Would you rather have a high salary in a job where you’re not respected or a low salary in a job where you’re loved and respected? 18) Would you rather live modestly with your current friends or move to a dream home in a new city without them? 19) Would you rather give up all your possessions or all your memories? 20) Would you rather have free Wi-Fi wherever you go or have free coffee where/whenever you want?

Would You Rather Questions About Money

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