1) ¿DÓNDE vives? a) HOW MANY siblings do you have? b) WHAT film do you prefer to watch? c) WHEN is your birthday? d) WHERE do you live? 2) ¿CUÁNDO es tu cumpleaños? a) WHICH do you prefer, this or that? b) HOW tall is your father? c) WHERE do you live? d) WHEN is your birthday? 3) ¿QUÉ felícula prefieres ver? a) HOW are you? b) HOW MUCH time do you need? c) WHOSE is this book? d) WHAT film do you prefer to watch? 4) ¿CUAL prefieres, ésta o esa? a) WHICH do you prefer, this or that? b) WHOSE is this book? c) WHERE do you live? d) WHY do you have long hair? 5) ¿QUIÉN es tu cantante favorito? a) WHOSE is this book? b) WHO is your favourite singer? c) WHERE do you live? d) HOW MANY siblings do you have? 6) ¿DE QUIÉN es este libro? a) WHERE do you live? b) WHO is your favourite singer? c) WHICH do you prefer, this or that? d) WHOSE is this book? 7) ¿POR QUÉ tienes el pelo largo? a) HOW MANY siblings do you have? b) WHAT film do you prefer to watch? c) WHY do you have long hair? d) WHO is your favourite singer? 8) ¿CUÁNTOS hermanos tienes? a) WHICH do you prefer, this or that? b) HOW tall is your father? c) HOW MANY siblings do you have? d) WHERE do you live? 9) ¿CUÁNTO tiempo necesitas? a) WHOSE is this book? b) HOW MUCH time do you need? c) HOW tall is your father? d) HOW are you? 10) ¿CÓMO estás? a) HOW are you? b) HOW tall is your father? c) WHICH do you prefer, this or that? d) WHERE do you live? 11) ¿CÓMO de alto es tu padre?/¿Cuánto mide? a) HOW MANY siblings do you have? b) HOW MUCH time do you need? c) WHOSE is this book? d) HOW tall is your father?

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