1) a prescription label a) What not to do when you are taking this prescription, e.g., do not drive. b) How to take the prescription c) Getting more of the same pills. d) The paper with writing on a prescription bottle or box. 2) precautions or warnings a) How to take the prescription b) The pharmacist's record of your prescription. c) What not to do when you are taking this prescription, e.g., do not drive. d) How strong is the prescription, e.g., 50 mg, 100 mg, etc.? 3) an expiry date a) The pharmacist's record of your prescription. b) The date when you should no longer take the prescription. c) Getting more of the same pills. d) How strong is the prescription, e.g., 50 mg, 100 mg, etc.? 4) strength or dose of the prescription a) How strong is the prescription, e.g., 50 mg, 100 mg, etc.? b) The person taking the prescription. c) The date when you should no longer take the prescription. d) How many pills in the bottle. 5) a refill a) Getting more of the same pills. b) The date when you should no longer take the prescription. c) How much money will you pay for the prescription? d) How strong is the prescription, e.g., 50 mg, 100 mg, etc.? 6) instructions or directions a) The pharmacist's record of your prescription. b) The paper with writing on a prescription bottle or box. c) How to take the prescription d) What not to do when you are taking this prescription, e.g., do not drive. 7) a patient a) The person taking the prescription. b) How to take the prescription c) The date when you should no longer take the prescription. d) What not to do when you are taking this prescription, e.g., do not drive. 8) a prescription number a) What not to do when you are taking this prescription, e.g., do not drive. b) The pharmacist's record of your prescription. c) The date when you should no longer take the prescription. d) The paper with writing on a prescription bottle or box. 9) cost of the prescription a) How many pills in the bottle. b) How much money will you pay for the prescription? c) What not to do when you are taking this prescription, e.g., do not drive. d) The date when you should no longer take the prescription. 10) quantity of pills a) How to take the prescription b) How many pills in the bottle. c) How much money will you pay for the prescription? d) How strong is the prescription, e.g., 50 mg, 100 mg, etc.?

A prescription label: Open the box

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