1) Our national health policy aims at improving the accessibility of a) Healthcare b) Family welfare c) Nutritional service d) All of these 2) Education contributes towards the growth of the society. It also enhances the a) National Income b) Cultural richness c) Efficiency of Governance d) All of these 3) What does the term "people as a resource" mean? a) People being used to extract resources from the earth b) Viewing human beings in terms of their skills, abilities, and knowledge that can be used for economic development c) A population census d) People living in rural areas 4) Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences the quality of human resources? a) Education b) Health c) Natural disasters d) Training 5) Which sector is most likely to benefit from well-trained and educated human resources? a) Primary sector (agriculture) b) Secondary sector (manufacturing) c) Tertiary sector (services) d) All of the above 6) How can investment in human resources improve a country's economy? a) By increasing the number of natural resources b) By improving the productivity and efficiency of the workforce c) By reducing the population d) By importing more goods 7) Which of the following is an example of investing in human capital? a) Building new factories b) Providing education and healthcare c) Extracting minerals d) Importing raw materials 8) Which of the following statement is associated with non-marketing activities? a) Activities are performed for pay and profit b) It includes production and consumption of goods c) Activities are performed for self-consumption d) A teacher teaching in school is an example 9) Which sector includes trade, transport, communication tourism etc. activities? a) Primary Sector b) Secondary Sector c) Tertiary Sector d) Industrial Sector 10) A vicious cycle is created by a) Disadvantaged parents b) Advantages parents c) Educated parents d) Educated children

Economics- People As A Resource

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