John ____ the piano. She ____ the table. Jenny ____ her homework before dinner. My cousins ____ in the classroom. The woman ____ a hat. Four men ____ the games. The rich man ____ a big house. The bird ____ high. My friend ____ back home. Her mom ____ her. The cow ____ a lot. The actor ____ very fast. The door ____ slowly. The leaves ____ down. Tom and Mina ____ the stars. They ____ me luck. The birds ____ away. The boys ____ their hands. Shinobu and Sanae ____ at Another UNIverse. My parents ____ a car. Those animals ____ sick. This book ____ great. My uncle ____ to me. We ____ two cats. Jack and Tom ____ Susie and I. Everyone ____ ready. Everyone ____ him. My grandparents ____ a dog. We ____ the newspaper everyday. Women ____ tea.

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