True: 14 men claimed the throne in 1292, Alexander III was King of Scotland in 1286, 6 guardians ruled Scotland after Alexander III died, Edward I wanted Margaret to marry his son, Edward I demanded tax and soldiers from John Balliol, Andrew Murray refused to sign the Ragman Rolls, William Wallace rebels against John Balliol, William Wallace is executed in 1305, John Comyn was murdered in a church, Robert the Bruce refuses to pay homage to Edward I, Edward I dies in 1307, The Scots used the schiltron tactic, Robert the Bruce defeats Edward II in 1314, The Treaty of Edinburgh-Northampton gives Scotland independence, False: Margaret is named as heir when she is 10, Alexander III had 3 strong sons, Alexander III died during battle, Edward I was not trusted to choose the next King of Scotland, The English won the Battle of Stirling Bridge, William Wallace fought for Edward I, John Comyn was not a threat to Robert the Bruce, The Battle of Bannockburn is an English victory, Scotland supported England against France,

The Scottish Wars of Independence

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