Physical health - Functioning of the body and its systems, Social health - To form meaningful and satisfying relationships with others, Emotional health - To express feelings in a positive way, Mental health - The state of a person's mind or brain, Spiritual health - Ideas, beliefs, values and ethics that arise in the mind, Health - A state of physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, Health Status - An individuals or populations overall health, Self assessed health status - Own perception of health and wellbeing, Life expectancy - The number of years of life to a person if the death rates remain unchanged, Mortality - The number of deaths in a population at a certain time, YLL - Years of Life Lost due to premature death, Morbidity - ill health in an individual or ill health within a population, YLD - Years Lost due to Disability, Burden of disease - Combines mortality data with morbidity data, DALY = - YLL + YLD,

Healthy Australians - CAT 1 Revision

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