Global warming is causing ____ around the globe. Temperatures are rising causing ____ and forest ____. For example in Australia, farmers are unable to grow food, which causes food shortages and increased costs. The forest fires destroy the habitat and wildlife, but also emit CO2 into the atmosphere. Additionally, as temperatures rise, the oceans warm causing thermal expansion and sea levels to rise; meaning many coastal areas and cities will ____, putting many lives at risk, loss of income and evacuation. With increasing temperatures, the oceans, especially around the Tropics, will warm. Once temperatures reach ____ Celsius or more, the water evaporates and rises. The water will cool, condense and rain clouds form. This pattern continues in a cycle causing winds. Once these winds reach ____ or more, it is classed as a Tropical Storm. The clouds start to swirl because the Earth continues to rotate. These Tropical storms are known as hurricanes, cyclones or typhoons and are extremely dangerous and destructive. All extreme weather causes harm, ____ or death.

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