What date is Rosh Hashana - 1 & 2 Tishrei, What date is Yom Kippur - 10 Tishrei, When is sukkot - 15 Tishrei, What month comes after Elul - Cheshvan, How many days are there in a solar calendar - 365.25, What is Tashlich - A prayer we say by a body of water on Rosh Hashanan, When are Hakafot? - Simchat Torah, What are the other names of Rosh Hashana? - Yom Hadin, Yom Terua, Yom Hazikaron, What is Kol Nidrei? - A special opening prayer said on the night of Yom Kipuur, When do we blow the shofar? - On Rosh Hashana, What is Shemini Atzeret? - 8th day of Sukkot- a special yom tov we daven for rain, What do we shake on sukkot? - Lulav and Etrog, What is a Machzor - A special siddur you use on Yom tov, What are the Yamim Neraim? - Days of awe from RH to YK, What goes on top of a Sukka? - Sechach, What is chol Hamoed? - Days between YOm tov that we can drive and do melacha during Sukkot, When do we add an extra month? - Adar Bet, When did we get the Mitzva of Rosh Chodesh - As we left Mitzrayim,

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