1) I like ________ jacket. a) this b) these c) those 2) I don't like ________ shoes. a) that b) this c) these 3) I like ______ t-shirt. a) those b) these c) that 4) I don't like _______ lamp. a) this b) these c) those 5) Do you like this game? a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, I am. c) Yes, I don't. 6) Do you like this movie? a) Yes, I don't. b) No, I do. c) No, I don't. 7) Whose shoes are these? a) It's Bob's. b) They're Bob's. c) It's Mary. 8) __________ cap os this? a) What b) Who c) Whose 9) What's this? a) It's a closet. b) It's a clock. c) It's a mirror. 10) What's this? a) It's a desk. b) It's a bookcase. c) It's a clock. 11) What's this? a) It's a desk. b) It's a table. c) It's a closet. 12) What's in the bedroom? a) a bed and a desk b) a desk and a closet c) a closet and a bed 13) Whose books ________ these? a) is b) are 14) Whose bike ______ this? a) is b) are 15) ___________ ball is this? a) Who b) Whose c) What 16) Whose video console is this? a) They're Ana's. b) It's Ana's. c) It's Bob.


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