1) You want to see if your friend is free next Saturday, so you ask: a) Are you doing anything on Saturday? b) Are you free on Saturday? c) What did you do last Saturday? 2) A: Are you doing anything on Saturday? B: ..... a) No, I'm free.Why? b) Nothing special. Why? c) I went to a party. 3) What do you say to invite your friend? a) I went to a party. b) Why don't we go for a drink on Saturday? c) Would you like to come round for a meal? 4) How do you accept the invitation? a) "Yes, I can't ." b) "Yes, I'd love to." c) "Yes, that'd be great." 5) How do you say "NO"? a) I'd love to, but I can't. b) I'll be there. c) I'm sorry , but I'm busy on Saturday. 6) What time......? a) ...is the address? b) ... is the party? c) ...shall I arrive? 7) Where shall we ....? a) six thirty b) time c) meet 8) A: Let's meet at your house at 7 p.m. a) B: See you there. b) B: Thanks for the help. c) B: I went there last week.

Making arrangements

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