Watch your first youtube vid, give someone 1 dollars, watch something anoying for 5 min, skip a turn, RE SPIN, Do something dumb, Sing the hole lyrics of lemon tree, Find a simp and say why are you cheating on m3 , SCREAM Y HAVE CRIPLING DEPRESION , For youtubers watch your cringest vid, You get to do something for 10 min, SAY OUT LOUD AT A STORE IM BROKE I NEED MONEY, Do 5 spins, Do 10 spins while the music heee man plays , Take 5 turns off , Take 18 turns off , Give someone a ex pokemoncard , You win someone you pick give's you 5 dollhairs, Watch a coryxkenshin video, What ever the person on your left has you keep it for 5 mins , Make a decent minecraft house.

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