1) The ball , ________ I bought you, is in the house. a) which b) whose c) where d) who e) that 2) London is a place _________ I want to spend my holiday. a) which b) whose c) where d) who 3) Prince William, _________ married Kate Middleton, is the older brother of Prince Harry. a) which b) whose c) where d) who 4) The White House is the place _________ the US president lives. a) which b) whose c) where d) who 5) Saint Patrick was the man _________ brought Christianity to Ireland.  a) which b) whose c) where d) who 6) Thanksgiving is an American holiday _________ is celebrated in November. a) which b) whose c) where d) who e) that 7) Elizabeth II, _______ is the queen ot the United Kingdom, lives in Buckingham Palace in London. a) which b) whose c) where d) who 8) Trafalgar Square is a famous square in London ____________ you can see Nelson Column. a) which b) whose c) where d) who 9) Big Ben is the name of a bell ________ is inside a clock tower. a) which b) whose c) where d) who 10) What did you do with the money ________ your mother lent you? a) who b) which c) whose d) where e) that

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