1) Можно мне взять твою ручку? a) May I taste the lemon pie? b) May I ask my friend to come to the party? c) May I taste the cherry pie? d) May I have your pen? 2) Можно мне попробовать лимонный пирог? a) May I sit down? b) May I taste the lemon pie? c) May I watch the late-night film? d) May I taste the cherry pie? 3) Можно мне позвать друга на день рождения? a) May I have your pen? b) May I wash my hands? c) May I ask my friend to come to the party? d) May I taste the lemon pie? 4) Можно мне помыть руки? a) May I have your pen? b) May I taste the lemon pie? c) May I wash my hands? d) May I taste the cherry pie? 5) Можно мне посмотреть фильм поздно вечером? a) May I have your pen? b) May I ask my friend to come to the party? c) May I taste the lemon pie? d) May I watch the late-night film? 6) Можно мне присесть? a) May I sit down? b) May I have your pen? c) May I taste the cherry pie? d) May I taste the lemon pie? 7) Можно мне попробовать вишневый пирог? a) May I ask my friend to come to the party? b) May I watch the late-night film? c) May I taste the cherry pie? d) May I taste the lemon pie?

May I...? questions/translation

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