friendly - A person who is open and warm is, talkative - A person who talks a lot is, generous - A person who likes giving things is, kind - A person who is friendly and good to other people is, lazy - A person who doesn't want to work is, funny - A person who makes people laugh is , clever - A person who is quick at learning and understanding things is, shy - A person who can't talk easily to people he/she doesn't know is, quiet - A person who doesn't like talking much is, mean - A person who doesn't want to share is , Honest - A person who tells the truth is, Stubborn - A person who never changes his mind and doesn't listen to other people is, Patient - A person who waits calmly is, Cheerful - A person who is happy and positive is, Punctual - A person who always comes in time and doesn't like to be late is, Dishonest - A person who tells lies is, Impatient - A person who hates waiting is, Selfish - A person who thinks and cares only about himself and not about other people is, Easy- going - A person who isn't easily upset or annoyed is, Bad- tempered - A person who is easily annoyed and shouts at other people is, Jealous - A person who feels unhappy because someone has something that he wants or a person who gets angry when he sees his wife with another men is, Rude  - A person who has bad manners and isn't polite is, Hard-working - A person who likes working a lot, Polite - A person who has good manners,

EF Pre-intermediate 1B Personality

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