broadcast - Transmitted, or played, via TV or radio., theatre - The place you go to watch a play., museum - The place you go to learn about history and culture., performance - A dance, play, song or similar., festival - People coming together to celebrate and dance., venue - What we call a place where events can take place., portrait - A painting of a face., orchestra - A band of traditional instruments., carnival - A colourful, musical celebration in the streets., mural - A painting on a wall., novel - A book, a story., movie - Another word for a film., opera - A story presented through songs., statue - A stone representation of an important person., temple - A religious place for some eastern religions., cathedral - A religious place for some Christian religions., sculpture - A 3d art form., costume - Special clothes., song - Words to music., painting - A 2d visual representation of sights or imaginary views and ideas., skyline - The horizon., park - A green space in a city., dance - Moving to music., radio - Words transmitted by wireless frequencies., television - Words and pictures transmitted by wireless frequencies.,

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