garbage - rubbish, waste, trash, things we throw away, cars - road vehicles with engines, a great deal of pollution comes from the fumes they produce, ecology - the science that studies the relations of plants, animals and people to each other and to their environment, rainforest  - a thick forest in tropical parts of the world, environmental problems  - problems with the planet's systems (air, water, soil, etc.) that have developed as a result of human interference or mistreatment of the planet, the Earth - the planet on which we live, pollution - damage caused to water, air and land by harmful substances or waste, energy - it comes from nuclear, electrical, solar or wind power , nuclear testing - the experiments with nuclear weapons like bombs, endangered animals - animals that are in danger of becoming extinct, Greenpeace - an international organization which works to protect the environment , ozone layer  - a layer of air containing ozone high above the earth that prevents harmful ultraviolet light from the sun from reaching the earth,

Way to go 5 plus - Unit 4: Lesson 15 vocabulary

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