Tourist information comes in a ____ of forms, but the two most ____ are probably Tourist Information Centres and ____. TICs are found in city ____, major ____ and transport termini. Tourist information offices, ____ may be smaller than TICs, are also ____ in smaller towns and ____ areas. ____ the TIC there will be displays of leaflets and ____ on local ____, entertainment ____ and events, transport information ____ timetables and schedules, and listings of accommodation ____. Many TICs have ____ facilities and ____ information displays, as well as ____ staff. Staff will be ____ to provide information on a ____ of areas- such as which restaurant provides a ____ chair for a baby, the best place for a ____ walk or drive, ____ to get to local sights, and where the ____ toilets are. Some TICs will have an accommodation ____ service, ____ booking accommodation at the next ____ for tourist who are travelling around the ____. They may also be able to ____ theatre tickets, ____ car rental, book an ____ or a guide, change ____, and even make an emergency ____ appointment. To work in a TIC, a ____ and helpful personality is ____. You should have a good telephone ____, be ____ to work with computers, and have good ____ skills. ____ of a foreign language is also useful.

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