How many students have P.E. every day for two hours? Not many? Well, I ____ have P.E. from 2.30 to 4.30. I'm Steve and I ____ to tell you about my school.My day ____ early. I usually get to ____ at 8.00 but I'm sometimes ____. Lessons start ____ 8.30. My favourite subject is Geography ____ I like maps. I ____ Art because I don't paint good pictures. We have ____ at 12.00 and I often have chicken and chips. I ____ have fish and chips. In the ____ we have P.E. I love P.E.! We usually play football or ____ karate. On Friday we play basketball. My ____ sport is football because I want to play for a big team. We finish school at 4.30. That's late for most schools. But I don't mind because I play sport ____ day! My sport school is ____!

Go Getter (2) 1.5_My school (WB)

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