homesick - very sad because you are far away from home, take sth up - to start a job or have a new responsibility, bruise - an injury where blood vessels in the skin are broken, but the skin is not cut or opened, rush - (v) to hurry or move quickly somewhere, sth doesn't matter - not important to sb, go/be through sth - to experience a difficult situation, keep sth to myself - not tell anyone about something, leave sb alone - stop annoying sb, description - a spoken or written representation or account of a person, object, or event, aggression - any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy, patient - willing to wait without complaining, obedient - Doing what one is asked or told, possible - able to be done; within the power or capacity of someone or something., sense - the ability to understand or judge, competitive - wanting to win or to be more successful than other people, dependent - Someone who relies on someone else for income and care, generous - very giving, as if born with plenty of money,

Gold B1 + Unit 4 Use of English 1,2 pages 57-58 (4.80-4.94)

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