elegance - graceful stylishness, innovation - the process of developing and introducing something new, vibrancy - the quality of being vibrant, ambiance - characteristic atmosphere or mood of a place, essential - necessary, self-catering - relating to a type of holiday accomodation which includes a kitchen so that you can cook your own meals, foreign currency - money used in a foreign country, exchange rate - the price of one nation's currency expressed in terms of the price of another currency, itinerary - day-by-day travel plan, excursion - day trip, padlock - type of lock, baggage carousel - moving belt from which you collect your luggage in the baggage reclaim area of an airport, package holiday - holiday in which airfare, hotel, guided tours and sometimes even meals are included in the price, creased - wrinkled (for clothes), excess - extra, plug adaptor - device that connects an electrical plug to an outlet designed for a different plug shape, fold - bend one part of something over another part of the same thing to make it smaller, drop somebody off - leave somebody somewhere, get in - arrive at a destination, head for - move in the direction of, hold up - delay, hop on - board or get on quickly, jump out - get out quickly, pull up - slow down and stop, soak up - to take in, absorb, stop off - make a quick stop somewhere, all-inclusive - including all the charges for the goods and services offered, far-flung - distant, world-class - among the best in the world, low-season - at a time of year when fewer people are travelling and plane fares and hotel prices tend to be lower to attract business,

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