somebody's mind goes black - somebody suddenly can't think of anything to say or write or can't recall information when it's needed, conflicting - contradictory, concrete - real,solid, tangible, keep an open mind - consider all the different options or possibilities, cross somebody's mind - it occurs to somebody, have a lot on somebody's mind - feel stressed or anxious because somebody is dealing with a lot of difficult things, something has a mind of its own - something can't be controlled, it slipped somebody's mind - completely forgot about something, have something in mind - be thinking about something, do the trick - bring about the desired result, put somebody's mind to something - decide to concentrate one's full attention or efforts on achieving something, keep in mind - consider the fact, mind over matter - the ability to use one's mind or willpower to overcome a physical challenge or problem, inevitable - unavoidable, put something out of one's mind - stop thinking about something, bring something to mind - remember something, job somebody's memory - cause or help somebody to suddenly remember something, retain - absorb and keep inside, access - gain entry to and use, subconscious - part of the mind that has thoughts and feelings that operate without being aware of them, commit something to memory - memorise, hazy - unclear, awareness - state of being aware, cognisance - awareness, cognitive - of or related to cognition, concept - general idea, principle or notion, consciousness - the state of being conscious, disrupt - interrupt something by causing problems and stopping something from functioning normally, impair - damage,

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