scorching - extremely hot, humid - full of water, vapour , damp, moist, overcast - with dull grey clouds completely covering the sun, glare - overly bright light that is difficult to look at directly, blustery - windy, mild - gentle, not strong and severe, blizzard - snowstorm with heavy winds and lots of snow, misty - full of or partly covered in mist, blaze - very bright light, sweltering - uncomfortably hot, nippy - chilly, downpour - a sudden, heavy rain, muggy - unpleasantly warm and humid, drenched - very wet, cardigan - knitted sweater-jacket with buttons down the front, rage - happen or continue in a destructive, violent or forceful way, beat down - shine brightly and hot (for the sun), blow over - go away or pass without having a serious effect, break through - penetrate, pierce, brighten up - improve (for weather), bucket down - rain heavily, die down - become less intense, hold off - stay away, fail to occur, roll in - arrive and slowly begin to spread out over something, duck into - enter quickly , usually with lowered head, tarmac - an airport runway that is paved with tarmac, drizzle - fine light rain, fossil fuel - fuel produced by the very slow decaying of animals or plants over millions of years, greenhouse gas - gas that is responsible for causing the greenhouse effect, threat - danger,

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