1) What symptoms will you see around a bite or sting? a) tattoos b) redness or swelling c) bleeding d) deadskin e) puss 2) How will you be able to know the severity of the bite or sting? a) You cam smell it b) you can see it c) you can hear it d) you can taste it e) By knowing what has caused it f) by knowing what 81x92 is 3) Are allergic reactions possible to occur? a) yes b) no 4) What is the first thing you should do to a casualty with a bite or sting? a) slap them b) lick the area of the sting c) Reassure the casualty and scrape off the sting if necessary d) tell them to suck out the sting from the area e) ferociously scratch the area 5) What should you apply to the area around the bite or sting? a) a hot cup of coffee b) another sting  c) a bandage d) Apply an icepack e) snow 6) What should you do If the pain or swelling continues? a) suck it up butter cup! b) apply more ice! c) cry and give up d) rub it with an alcohol wipe e) cover it in plasters f) tell the casualty to seek medical help 7) What should you tell the casualty who has a foreign object in their eye to do? a) not to rub their eye b) take out their eye c) pour salt into their eye d) pour shampoo into their eyes e) slap themselves for being a silly goose f) give up and go home 8) What can you do as a first aider to assist the casualty with a foreign object in their eye?  a) Carefully pour clean water on to the eye b) slap them c) go home and leave them to suffer d) pour hot chocolate in their eyes e) If the foreign object is still on the eye, try to lift it off with a moist swab or tissue 9) What should you do if a casualty has an insect in their ear? a) check their airways b) tilt the head and flood the ear with tepid water c) tell the insect to go away d) put them in the recovery position e) play loud music through headphones 10) What should you not do if their is a foreign object in the casualties nose? a) reassure them b) not breathe through their mouth c) laugh d) go home e) remove the object

Bite, Stings & Foreign objects

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