1) Tom is ... Jerry. a) tall b) taller than c) as tall as 2) Jerry is ... Tom. a) as fast as b) fast c) more fast than 3) They live in ... house in the countryside. a) nicer than b) the most nice c) the nicest 4) Spike is ... dog in the place. a) the most dreadful b) as dreadful as c) the dreadfulest 5) His son Tyke is ... animal on earth! a) more pretty than b) the prettiest c) the most pretty 6) Tom went to the city and met ... female cat in the world! a) the beautifullest b) more beautiful c) the most beautiful 7) Spike is ... Tom. a) the fattest b) as fat as c) fatter than 8) Tom is not ... Jerry. a) as smart as b) the smartest c) more smart than 9) Tom and Jerry is ... cartoon of all the times! a) more popular b) the most popular c) the popularest 10) They are ... the majority of nowadays cartoons. a) the funniest b) more funny than c) funnier than

Comparatives & Superlatives

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