bad-hair day - phrase: (informal) a day when you feel that you do not look attractive, especially because of your hair , capture an expression - phrase: to represent the look of someone’s face accurately in a picture or photograph, commission a portrait - phrase: to arrange for someone to paint a picture of a person in exchange for payment, complimentary - adjective: praising or expressing admiration for someone, conspiracy - noun: a secret plan made by a group of people to do something bad or illegal, draw your own conclusion - phrase: to consider the facts of a situation and make a decision about what is true, correct, likely to happen, etc., eyes boring into you - phrase: If someone’s ___ are ___ ___you, that person is staring very hard at you., from the outset - phrase: from the beginning, innate - adjective: A quality or ability that you were born with and not one you have learned., in your element - phrase: in a place or situation that is completely natural and comfortable for you, minor character - phrase: somebody in a story who is not very important, overstated - adjective: expressed in a way that is too strong, passing moods and emotions - phrases: emotional states that do not last long, plead guilty - phrase: to state in court that you are guilty of a crime, put the finishing touches to - phrase: to add small details in order to make something perfect, self-consciousness - noun: the state of being too aware of how you appear to others, so to speak - phrase: used to explain that you are using a special or unusual expression, status symbol - noun: something that someone owns that shows they have a high position in society, trail of destruction - phrase: instances of damage in different places along a route, turn out - phrasal verb: to happen in a particular way, or to have a particular result, unsettling - adjective: making you feel worried or uncomfortable,

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