1) já nemám a) I have got not b) I haven't got c) I not have got 2) má ono? a) has it got? b) has got it? c) it hass got? 3) on má a) he has got b) he have got c) she has got 4) máme my? a) we have got? b) have we got? c) have got we? 5) ty nemáš a) you not have got b) you haven't got c) you have got not 6) ono má a) it have got b) it hasn't got c) it has got 7) mají oni? a) have they got? b) have got they? c) they have got? 8) vy máte a) you have got b) you has got c) you got have 9) ona nemá a) she has got not b) she hasn't got c) she not has got 10) mám já? a) I have got? b) have I got? c) have got I? 11) má on? a) he has got? b) has he got? c) has got he? 12) ty máš a) you have got b) you got have c) you has got 13) máte vy? a) have got you? b) you have got? c) have you got? 14) já mám a) I have got b) I has got c) I got have 15) máš ty? a) have got you? b) you have got? c) have you got? 16) oni nemají a) they not have got b) they have got not c) they haven't got 17) on nemá a) he not has got b) he hasn't got c) he has got not 18) my máme a) we have got b) we got have c) we has got 19) má ona? a) has she got? b) she has got? c) has got she? 20) vy nemáte a) you have got not b) you haven't got c) you not have got 21) my nemáme a) we have got not b) we not have got c) we haven't got 22) oni mají a) they have got b) they got have c) they has got 23) ona má a) she have got b) she has got c) she got have 24) ono nemá a) it has got not b) it haven't got c) it hasn't got

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