1) This is Easel the ... a) cookies b) lick c) weasel d) cheese 2) Sunday, ... is so yummy. a) cookies b) lick c) lettuce d) cheese 3) This is Cole the ... a) cheese b) bread c) egg d) mole 4) Easel and Cole are in the ... a) cellar b) full c) chips d) sweets 5) This is a ... a) chocolate b) forest c) small d) salami 6) My wallet is ... a) empty b) lollipop c) salami d) weasel 7) My wallet is ... a) hole b) small c) ham d) full 8) This ... is very tall. a) hole b) egg c) wall d) lollipop 9) He is ... a) chips b) eat c) tall d) cellar 10) He is very ... a) chips b) eat c) thin d) cellar 11) This is a big ... a) pout b) ham c) hole d) tall 12) It is so ...! a) small b) lick c) egg d) lips 13) This is a tasty ... a) cherry b) lick c) egg d) lips 14) What do you want to ...? a) eat b) lollipop c) salami d) fat 15) What do you want to ...? a) big b) drink c) hole d) wall 16) My ... is full. a) fat b) salami c) lick d) tummy 17) This is a tasty ... a) fat b) salami c) lick d) plum 18) There is ... in the cellar. a) cheese b) fat c) full d) bread 19) There is ... in the cellar. a) yoghurt b) forest c) ham d) cellar 20) There is ... in the cellar. a) chips b) cheese c) sweets d) mole 21) This is a tasty ... a) chips b) berry c) sweets d) mole 22) There is ... in the cellar. a) yoghurt b) small c) tummy d) hole 23) There is ... in the cellar. a) salami b) lips c) pout d) drink 24) Easel is eating ... a) lips b) bacon c) yoghurt d) full 25) Easel is eating ... a) pout b) bacon c) wall d) eggs 26) Easel is eating ... a) lollipop b) bread c) chips d) big 27) The dog likes to ... the boy. a) bacon b) full c) hole d) lick 28) On Friday and Saturday, eat ... a) bacon b) full c) hole d) nuts 29) Easel the weasel is licking his ... a) lips b) small c) full d) drink 30) Easel is eating ... a) lips b) pout c) chocolate d) cheese 31) On Friday and Saturday, eat ... a) lips b) pout c) honey d) cheese 32) Easel is eating a ... a) chocolate b) lollipop c) small d) full 33) Easel is eating ... a) mole b) lips c) sweets d) bread 34) Eat your ... a) mole b) lips c) fruit d) bread 35) Easel is eating ... a) egg b) cookies c) sweets d) chocolate 36) This cat is very ... a) eat b) mole c) fat d) yoghurt 37) This tomato is very ... a) ham b) weasel c) big d) tummy 38) Eat your ... a) ham b) weasel c) vegetables d) tummy 39) Please, don't ...! a) big b) pout c) sweets d) hole 40) Come on, have a ...! a) big b) bite c) sweets d) hole 41) One monkey, two... a) monkeys b) monkeies 42) One boy, two... a) boys b) boies 43) One key, two... a) keys b) keies 44) One toy, two... a) toys b) toies 45) One day, two... a) days b) daies 46) One bunny, two... a) bunnys b) bunnies 47) One baby, two... a) babys b) babies 48) One fairy, two... a) fairys b) fairies 49) One pony, two... a) ponys b) ponies 50) One puppy, two... a) puppys b) puppies

C - Unit 4 Revision: Κουίζ

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