draught - stored in and served from large containers, especially barrels, lager - a type of beer pale in colour, bitter - a type of dark brown beer with a bitter taste, sparkling - containing bubbles, rosé - a pink wine, still - not having bubbles, full-bodied - (of wine) with a strong taste and having lots of flavours, light-bodied wine - (of wine) low in alcohol and having one or few flavours, medium-bodied - (of wine) lower in alcohol than a full-bodied wine and having less flavours, fizzy - having lots of bubbles and carbon-dioxide, single - with the usual amount of alcohol, double - with twice the usual amount of alcohol, mixer - a non-alcoholic drink usually ordered along with alcoholic wines, soft drink - a non-alcoholic drink, magnum - a bottle of wine capable of containing 1.5 litters or more of wine (twice as much the volume of a standard bottle),

Words used to talk about wine, beer and other drinks

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