Hyper Text Markup Language - Acronym for HTML, H1 to H6 - The value of Header tag , .html - File extension of HTML file, <HEAD>  - The <title> tag belongs to , <TITLE> - Tag not found in Body section, <P> - Tag used to mark a beginning of paragraph, Ordered List - Used to create a list of related items, in a specific order., Unordered List - Used to create a list of related items, in no particular order, TIM BERNERS-LEE - HTML was first developed by , HTML - Language used for designing webpages, <HTML> - The root tag of the HTML document, World Wide Web - Acronym for WWW, Uniform Resource Locator - Acronym for URL, <BR> - Tag used for Single Line Break, <HR> - Tag used to draw horizontal line, Container Tag - Tag that needs to be closed, Empty Tag - Tag that does not requires closing tag, Attribute - A special keyword used inside an HTML tag to specify additional information about the tag and customise it, ⚫ - Sets the list item marker to a bullet, <LI> TAG - Defines a list item,


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