1) Why is bacteria important to the cow digestive system? a) to protect the stomach lining against infection b) to digest food c) to produce cellulase for cellulose digestion d) to produce cellulose 2) The followings are the caloric value of different type of food : Mutton 643kJ/100g, Chicken 590kJ/100g, Prawn 380kJ/100g, Anchorvies 937kJ/100g. Which of the food has the highest caloric value? a) 100g anchovies b) 200g chicken c) 150g mutton d) 250g prawn 3) Who is the first person that perform heart transplant to a patient named Louis Washkansky in 1967? a) Marie Curie b) Christiaan Barnard c) Jean Henry Dunant d) Oswald Avery 4) Why does a leech is able to suck blood in a long period without stopping? a) It has a big mouth and sharp teeth to suck the blood b) It produces saliva that contain anticoagulant substance c) It has a big body cavity that can be filled with the blood sucked d) It can suck about 5-15 ml human blood in one session 5) Hip replacement treatment is done to overcome the problem of inability of movement due to injury in the joint in the hip. In the procedure, the femur of the patient is replaced with invented femur made of of metal. 97% of patients is able to walk again after undergoing the procedure. What is the metal used in this treatment? a) Ferum b) Calcium c) Titanium d) Natrium 6) Brain contains about 100 million neurons. What is the mass of a brain? a) 1.1 kg b) 1.4 kg c) 1.6 kg d) 2.0 kg 7) A nerve impulse travels along the neurone in the form of electrical and chemical signals. How fast does nerve impulses can travel in a second? a) 40 metres per second b) 80 metres per second c) 120 metres per second d) 160 metres per second 8) What is the content of fertility drug to is used to treat failure in ovulation? a) follicle-stimulating hormone b) leuteinising hormone c) thyroid-stimulating hormone d) estrogen 9) How can cretinism be prevented in human? a) By addition of small amount of calcium in table salt or food b) By addition of small amount of natrium in table salt or food c) By addition of small amount of iodine in table salt or food d) By addition of small amount of ferum in table salt or food 10) Why people who exercise should drink fluids before they feel thirsty? a) to avoid dehydration b) to replace the fluids that is lost during sweating c) to maintain body freshness d) to enhance muscle movement 11) What is dendrochronology? a) A science field that investigate on the chronology in crime scene b) A science field that investigate on the function of dendrone when transmitting nerve impulses c) A science field that investigate in the dating of wood by recognisisng the pattern of annual rings d) A science field that focus mainly on the cells in pancreas that produces insulin and glucagon 12) Scoliosis is a condition of abnormal backbone development that commonly occur among girls. Which of the following is not the sign and symptoms of the disease? a) Curvature of the spine at the thoracic region b) Permanent bone deformity c) Breathing difficulties d) Unbalance shoulder e) Brittleness of bone

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