1) There are only ... biscuits left. a) a few b) some 2) Don’t worry. It didn’t cost very .... a) much b) many 3) I found ... information on the internet. a) some b) an 4) I only take ... sugar in my coffee. a) little b) a little 5) Rachel ... music all day. a) has been playing b) has played 6) How many driving lessons ... ? a) have you had b) have you been having 7) The wind ... the tree over.  a) has been blowing b) has blown 8) Sandra _____ to her mother an hour ago. a) a) has spoke b) b) spoke  c) c) has spoken 9) I _____ a really good book. When I finish it, do you want to borrow it? a) a) have read b) b) have been reading c) c) read 10) _____ 2001. a) a) I’ve lived here since b) b) I’ve lived here for c) c) I lived here for 11) I’ve been learning English _____ five years. a) a) already b) b) for c) c) since 12) _____ Julie today? a) a) Have you seen b) b) Did you seen c) c) Have you saw 13) Mum! Have you seen my fishing _____? a) a) rod b) b) stick c) c) tyre 14) The concert was okay, but the singing didn’t really _____ up to my expectations. a) a) get b) b) live c) c) turn 15) The _____ applauded at the end of the concert. a) a) crowd b) b) audience c) c) spectators 16)  TV _____ are demanding an improvement in the standard of programmes. a) a) viewers b) b) spectators c) c) fans 17) I can’t believe he didn’t _____ up. Were you able to find another player to replace him? a) a) turn b) b) stand c) c) drop

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