1) In the UK, students are expected to be independent a) True b) False 2) During lectures, students are supposed to ... a) sleep  b) listen and take notes about what the lecturer is saying c) participate in the lecture d) talk to the person next to them  3) If a class begins at 9.00 am, what time should you arrive? a) Anytime before 9.15 is OK b) At 9.00 or a few minutes before c) No later than 8.45 d) Anytime before 9.30 is OK 4) When you are asked to write an essay, how many source texts are you supposed to read? a) None - the task is to write, not to read b) Just the main textbook c) As many as the lecturer tells you d) As many as possible, but you choose the texts yourself 5) Your lecturer will tell you which texts to read a) True b) False, but there is usually a reading list to choose from 6) If you only attend classes and don't do any reading or study outside of class, what is the most likely result? a) As long as you attend all classes, you should pass b) You will definitely fail. You need to do independent reading c) You can pass, but your score won't be very high 7) In seminars, the students are supposed to.... a) discuss questions relating to the course b) listen to the lecturer giving information c) sleep d) just listen to other students talking, but don't participate 8) During a lecture, is it OK to talk to the person next to you? a) Yes, as long as you don't talk too loudly b) Yes, as long as you are sitting at the back c) Not really. Students usually listen quietly and make notes 9) In seminars, there is usually a correct answer  a) True - if you are not sure, you should keep quiet b) False - the point is to discuss the issues 10) In academic writing, an argument is.... a) a description of the facts b) a discussion about two sides of an issue c) a process of persuading your reader that you are right, based on evidence

Higher education in the UK

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