Do you have any difficulty in ............ (concentrate) on the road if you listen to music while riding?, Do you remember ............ (cycle) in the park when you were a child?, Do you avoid ............ (cycle) when it is raining?, Do your parents often remind you ............. (wear) a helmet?, Have you ever tried .......... (ride) your bike recklessly when you want to call your peers´attention?, Have you ever regretted .............. (ride) insensibly because it caused you falling badly?, Have you ever forgotten ......... (check) if your bike was in good condition before riding it?, Do you stop ........ (answer) the phone if you are riding the bike?, Have you seen your neighbour ............ (use) the bike as a means of transport to go to work?, Do you fancy .......... ( ride) the bike on sunny days?, Do you think it is worth ........ (have) the latest model of a bike?.

b2 verb patterns

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