Malaysian rainforests are among the ____ in the world. An example of rainforests is the Taman Negara Rainforest, which is ____ have been around for more than 130 milion years, implying that dinosaurs probably roamed the place before. Our rainforests have so much to offer ____ our planet healthy. With great diversity in plant species, scientists have discovered many plants with medicinal values and that can be used as herbs. Some examples are such as camphor,,cinnamon and nutmeg,to name a few. In addition, Malaysian rainforests, ____ to hundreds of animal species and thousands of insect species. Some of these creatures found in our rainforests are ____ and not found anywhere else in the world. Even the largest flower ____ the world, Rafflesia, can be found in our rainforests. How fascinating is that! Being aware that our rainforests are precious, there is a need to preserve them. Stricter laws should be enforced by the government or local authorities to ____ deforestation and poaching of wildlife as both these human activities adversely ____ flora and fauna species. Not only that, ____ should be gazetted as national parks or forest reserves where nether logging nor hunting is allowed. As ____, we can play our role by reducing the consumption of paper and wood. Whenever possible, recycle paper and cardboard boxes to ____ on the use of raw material needed and the emission of greenhouse gases, which take place when producing new paper. So let's do our part today to save our rainforests from further destruction.

Malaysian rainforests

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