Your teacher is explaining some grammar badly., It's 11.30pm and your 14-year-old child is still out. , You're going to take your driving test this afternoon., You have two tickets to see your favourite pop singer., You see a boy fall from an upstairs window, then he gets up and walks away. , All your friends are on holiday and you have no-one to go out with., The teacher is talking a lot and is not interesting., You're staying in a hotel. It's too hot and the bed in very hard. You can't sleep. , Your classmate is talking about a big chicken in her house. (She means kitchen!) , Your friend has just called you and told you he's in hospital. , You're going to have an important job interview today., Your best friend is coming home after two years away., Your friend has just won $10 million on the lottery., You're in a new country and you don't know anyone., You're at home. It's raining and there's nothing to do., You're wearing some new jeans, but they are too small. .

Feelings vocabulary

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