to key in your password - to type a secret word that gives you access to a computer, to install a programme - to put a programme on a computer, to attach a file - to add separate element (a photo, a document) to an email, to have network coverage - to have a signal that lets you make phone calls or use the Internet, to upload a photo - to make an image available on the Internet, to delete a message - to remove a piece of text so it cannot be seen any more, to open an attachment - to click on the icon of a file that comes with an email, to buy an app - to pay for a programme for your mobile or tablet, to activate a flight mode - to switch on a function on you mobile or tablet so you can’t go online or make phone calls, to download a file - to copy information or a programme from the Internet onto your computer hard disk,

Think 2 unit 4 It terms definitions

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