1) Kate ........... hard recently. Yes. She is taking her exam next month. a) has been studying b) has studied c) studied 2) I must go to the library. I ........... there this afternoon. I'll give you a lift. a) have been b) am going c) go 3) We'd better run to the stadium. I know. The game ............. in five minutes. a) is starting b) has started c) starts 4) I'm very hungry. I'm not surprised. You .............. all day. a) haven't been eating b) don't eat c) haven't eaten 5) How did you hurt your hand? I cut it as I ..............some vegetables. a) chopped b) am chopping c) was chopping 6) Let's go for a walk. We can't go out until the rain ................... a) stopped b) will stop c) stops 7) I want to call Simon. Well, don't call him before eight o'clock. He .................. a) will sleep b) will be sleeping c) is sleeping 8) He ................. a famous writer one day. Yes, I think you're right. a) was b) will be c) is being 9) This time next year, we ........................ the chemistry exam. a) have finished b) have been finishing c) will have finished 10) When I grow up, ....................... an inventor. a) I'm going to be b) I will have been c) I'm being 11) Shirley will .......................her research for the next few weeks. a) have done b) be doing c) have been doing 12) Next year, Sam will ................. patients at this hospital for twenty-five years. a) have been treating b) treat c) be treating 13) What is it? We won't know until ................. at it under a microscope. a) we'll have looked b) we'll be looking c) we've looked 14) You won't get any radio reception while ...................... through the tunnel. a) you'll drive b) you're driving c) you'll be driving 15) I'm going to set up the equipment in a minute. .............. give you a hand? a) Shall I b) Would I c) Do I

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