wonder (n) - sth that makes people feel surprise and admiration., lush (adj.) - having many leaves and looking healthy and strong., rise (v) - to increase or become more in number, spring up (phr.v) - suddenly appear, solution (n) - a liquid in which a solid substance has been dissolved, food shortage (phr) - a limited supply of food, consume (v) - to buy things or to use facilities and services, convert (v) - to change sth in order to use it for a different purpose , mankind (n) - all human beings, wasteland (n) - an area of land left unused, long gone (phr) - that has no existed for a long time, drain (v) - to use too much of sth so there is almost none left, artifically (adv - not naturally, feed (n) - food for farm animals, nutrient (n) - a substance which provides whta is needed for plants, fossil fuel (n) - a substance, such as coal or oil,made from remains of dead animals and plants , biodegradable (adj) - that breaks down naturally,

Grade 10. Action. Module 4.

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