1) Sri Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami was born in year  a) 1505 b) 1405 c) 1504 2) Sri Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami was born in a) Western Bengal b) Eastern Orissa c) Eastern Bengal 3) Sri Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami's father was a) Tapan Mishra b) Jagannath Mishra c) Ramanada Ray 4) Tapan Mishra was a great devotee of a) Lord Brahma b) Lord Siva c) Lord Chaitanya 5) Sri Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami is the dear maidservant of Srimati Radhika named a) Rupa Manjari b) Raga manjari  c) Lavanga Manjari 6) Lord Chaitanya will ask young Raghunatha Bhatta to a) fan Him b) cook for Him c) massage His legs 7) Raghunatha Bhatta would also ______________ after Lord Chaitanya took lunch. a) massage His legs b) cook food c) wash the dishes 8) Raghunatha Bhatta waited until he was almost ________and with his parents’ blessings, he went to Puri to meet Lord Caitanya a) 20 years old b) 60 years old c) 40 years old 9) The Lord was happy to see him and showed His mercy by ___________ with Raghunatha a) cooking b) having lunch each day c) chanting 10) Very soon Raghunatha Bhatta was serving the Lord as His a) cook b) servant c) singer 11) _______________ his preparations taste like nectar, full of devotion a) Rupa Goswami's b) Raghunath Bhatta's c) Sanatana Goswami's 12) ______________became an excellent cook a) Raghunath Bhatta b) Rupa Goswami c) Tapan Mishra 13) After Lord Chaitanya had finished, Raghunatha Bhatta would a) wash the dishes b) cook again c) eat whatever was left on the plate 14) Raghunatha Bhatta showed everyone how much spiritual advancement one could make by a) serving the exalted souls b) and eating their remnants c) all of the above 15) Lord Chaitanya told Raghunatha Bhatta.. a) you must return home to take care of your elderly parents. b) Look after them nicely c) all of the above 16) Lord Chaitanya told Raghunatha Bhatta to study _____________ from a pure Vaishnava. a) Srimad Bhagavatam b) Science and history c) Geaography 17) Lord Chaitanya took off his ________ and placed them around Raghunatha Bhatta's neck a) chain b) necklace c) neck beads 18) Raghunatha Bhatta returned home and took care of his______________ a) friends b) devotee parents c) relatives 19) Under the instruction of Lord Chaitanya, Raghunatha Bhatta later went to Vrindavan and assisted a) Caitanya Mahaprabhu b) Jiva Goswami c) Rupa and Sanatana 20) Rupa and Sanatana were very pleased with saintly behaviour of a) Raghunatha Bhatta b) Jiva Goswami c) Tapan Mishra 21) Raghunatha Bhatta was well-known for singing beautiful kirtans, and for that he was called the a) kirtan party b) sankirtan leader c) kirtan acharya 22) Raghunatha Bhatta fulfilled Lord Chaitanya's order to a) preach the glories of Srimad Bhagavatam b) Chanting Hare Krsna Mahamantra c) Never heard or spoke worldly topics d) All of the above 23) Raghunatha Bhatta believed that all Vaishnavas Raghunatha Bhatta believed that all Vaishnavas are sincerely serving the Lord according to their realization a) therefore one should overlook their faults. b) therefore one should find faults in others c) therefore one should always complainults

Six Goswamis - Raghunath Bhatta Goswami


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