Personality - An individuals characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting. , Sigmund Freud - Which psychologist developed the psychoanalytic/ psychodynamic approach theory?, Psychosexual Stages - What are the childhood stages of development called? (oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital) , Psychodynamic  - What is the modern day theory to viewing personality focusing on the childhood, and unconscious?, Inkblot Test - What is the most widely used projective test developed by Hermann Rorschach that seeks to identify people’s inner feelings by analyzing their interpretations of images? , Psychoanalytic - Sammy has a low self-esteem. She wants to become more confident, and comfortable in social situations so she starts to see a psychologist. After a few sessions the psychologist tells Sammy the cause of the low self-esteem. The psychologist states is was a traumatic event as a child which has been repressed. In this case which theory of personality is the psychologist using? , Repression - At the age of 7 years old Jake went with his parents to Disneyland, while there he experienced a traumatic event. Jake has now turned 20 and when his parents ask him about when they went to Disneyland he doesn't remember it. What defense mechanism is Jake using?  , Albert Bandura - Who proposed the social-cognitive perspective, which views personality as the product of the interaction between a person’s traits?, High self-esteem - Scott is an amazing athlete with good grades. He also has a good group of friends, and is confident in himself. What is he demonstrating?, Factor Analysis - Which technique is used to identify clusters of related items such as personality traits?,

Unit 11: Personality

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