zygote - sperm + egg = ______, testis - Organ that produce sperm, ovary - Organ that store ovum, placenta - _______ attached to uterus, allow exchange of oxygen, nutrients and waste material, umbilical cord - __________connect fetus to placenta, amniotic fluid - ________ _______protect fetus from bump, fertilisation - Process where the nucleus of sperm and ovum fused together, implantation - Process of embryo planted on the uterus wall, Cell division - Zygote divided into multiple cells, sperm - This is a ______., ovum - This is a _____., puberty - During _____, human experience rapid growth induced by hormones, period - During _____, the uterus lining will shed., ovulation - What happened on day 14 of the menstrual cycle, penis - organ that ejaculate sperm, Period - Day 1-5 of the menstrual cycle is called ____., uterus - Embryo will develop in the mother's _____., Identical - ______ twins have the exact same genes., Hormones - Chemical that stimulated puberty in human., fallopian tube - Tube that joint ovary and uterus.,

Human Reproduction System

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