file/ folder , manual, circuit diagram, to identify, to solve , to occur, it depends on... , to replace / replacement, forklift, reels, to protect something from something , settings, in stock , warehouse , tension , noch nicht - not yet, nicht jetzt - not now, screw , dismantle, a specific / a certain amount , too heavy vs not heavy enough (zu schwer vs nicht schwer genug), too much vs not enough (zu viel vs zu wenig), plug, socket, temporary workaround / provisional solution, it was good as well, it wasn't good either, whilst, apprentice, there is something stuck in the pipe, the pipe is blocked, ink , scratching noise (kratzend), whistling noise (pfeifend), squeaking noise (quietschend), grinding noise (schleifgeräusche), rattling noise (ratternd).

SDPK workshop_group C_Session 1 & 2

Papan mata

Kad rawak ialah templat terbuka. Ia tidak menjana skor untuk papan mata.

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